Imaginary is an app designed to help adults reconnect with their imagination and childlike wonder to improve their well-being and creativity. The app provides inspiration, exercises, and reminders daily.

This is a mock company used in the Creative Copywriting course taught by Tasha Young at ilovecreatives.

Social Media Advertisement

Deliverables: Headline options, sub-headlines, and captions that add more dimension to the story in the ad.

In this social media campaign, my objective was to write on-image and caption copies for paid social advertisements announcing the app’s free trial. The goal was to capture people’s attention and make them want to download the app. 

I approached this project by using questions to stop people from scrolling and inviting them to think of an answer to the proposed questions. The words are chosen specifically to trigger the readers’ imagination of what could happen to them if they used the app.

Email Marketing Campaign

Deliverables: Subject line options, pre-header text options, and body copy options

The goal was to announce the launch of the app via email newsletter to people who had signed up on the waitlist after learning about the brand on social media. The copy had to grab people’s attention so that they would open the email, eventually download the app, and sign up for a free trial.

As the target was for people already in the newsletter, I created the structure of the subject lines and the body copy options that serve as reminders and announcements of what they have been waiting for. Some of the options are in question format to distinguish it from other emails in the inbox. The body copy options were written to highlight the “what” and “why” aspect of the app.

Homepage Hero

Deliverables: Headline options and sub-headline copy options

For this project, I wrote a copy for the homepage hero module of the brand’s website. The goal was to convey the product's benefits and answer the question of what makes this app so great that someone should learn more about it.

I approached this task by selecting a chain of words that highlighted the product's purpose and potential benefits for the user.  

Other works

Brand copywriting (Tone of Voice, Brand Values, Brand Identity, etc) & SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

